dccdccae36 If static library variants are already being loaded on the program execution stage, then dynamic libraries are capable to be easily kept on a disk drive and wait just for their own execution moment. So I opened my 'Sounds and Audio Devices Properties' for my sound card, selected the Audio tab, and up at the top by 'Sound Playback' where it lists the Default Device, there's a button called 'Advanced'. (Funnily enough, the version that GTA:SA comes with is version you've downloaded "eax.dll", rename the "eax.dll" in your GTA:SA directory to something else of your choosing, then copy the "eax.dll" that you just downloaded into the GTA:SA directory. audio cutting out, some sounds worked great, others non existent. (I don't know why, but it does)What I suspect is that, Rockstar went with a very very recent release of the EAX.dll component, for which the drivers haven't been updated to handle, or any other number of reasons. how ru piraivendhan Fri Mar 28 07:14:16 2014 this file is missing in my system Add comment Name: Comment: Code: . Several functions may not work. This application failed to start because eax.dll was not found.
eax dll files and GTA SA Discussion in 'PC Hardware, Software and Displays' started by boxleitnerb, Jul 20, 2006. I got mine working with a combo of solutions in this thread, see my post homes! Back to top Augh Augh Unspoiled by progress Members Joined: 11 May 2004 #24 Posted 11 June 2005 - 11:21 AM Hey guys.Sorting out some SB/Audigy 2 probs atm, or trying to. I experimented with this some, and found that setting my speakers to 'quadrophonic' seems to work best. Back to top jjjaska jjjaska Rat Members Joined: 18 Dec 2002 #19 Posted 11 June 2005 - 04:39 AM Thank you Lappys.and cookies for j00 Back to top NeuLyf NeuLyf Live and let live :) Members Joined: 06 May 2005 #20 Posted 11 June 2005 - 05:28 AM thanks homie peace. Having done upgrading since I was running that card, and now running a fresh unpatched install of GTA SA on my Audigy 2 ZS, I get no sound issues.this could possibly be due to Audigy 2 drivers being different to Audigy LS drivers, perhaps something has been fixed at some stage by creative.uh, if any of that made any sense #4 Sobek, Jul 22, 2006 Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2006 boxleitnerb Regular Joined: Aug 27, 2004 Messages: 406 Thx for the link. but could u put upp a link if u found that version of the dll file?. Back to top C0hiba C0hiba Player Hater Members Joined: 10 Jun 2005 #7 Posted 10 June 2005 - 05:52 PM Wont work here either I have tryed with th eax.dll I have updated my Creative Audigy 2 drivers and stuff too .this sucks,,,I want to playyyy . Back to top C0hiba C0hiba Player Hater Members Joined: 10 Jun 2005 #9 Posted 10 June 2005 - 06:19 PM QUOTE (Alxwin Jun 10 2005, 17:54) QUOTE (C0hiba Jun 10 2005, 17:52) Wont work here either I have tryed with th eax.dll I have updated my Creative Audigy 2 drivers and stuff too .this sucks,,,I want to playyyy . Your comment will appear after moderation..
Narcykarm replied
442 weeks ago